Cricket South Africa (CSA) has concluded the three-day Coaches’ Conference and Workshop that was held in Johannesburg this week.

The conference sought to look at the core elements needed for South African (SA) cricket to be sustainable and have a thriving pipeline.

Conversations included the professional cricket system and how it compares to international standards, resources, and empowerment of affiliates, amongst others.

National coaches, Shukri Conrad and Rob Walter were in attendance and shared their plans and vision for SA Cricket.

CSA Coaching Manager, Gift Mathe, said; “The hosting of this year’s conference was important for division 1 and 2 and the national team coaches, as we together look to entrench the brand and philosophy of the SA game that has a big impact on how stakeholders view our product”.

CSA Director of Cricket, Enoch Nkwe, commented on the conversations held at the conference.

“It was important for CSA to hear from the coaches, especially this being the first season in the new structure with relegation and promotion.

“The coaches provided their views on the ever-changing cricket landscape and are committed to working together to enhance domestic product.

“We look forward to constant engagement with all the stakeholders in the system and providing platforms for constructive engagements that will take the game forward,” said Nkwe.