New coaches. New Players. New staff. New ideas. New philosophies. New hierarchy. New Policy. New hope. New era.

South African cricket pressed the reset button with the appointments of Shukri Conrad and Rob Walter.

Not only have we seen a difference in the approach and mentality of both coaches from interviews and press conferences, but in the last few months we have seen a clear change in the attitudes of players on the field.

It’s been a long time since I’ve believed that we are on the right path and that everyone tasked with the rebuild of South African cricket is on the same page. There seems to be a clear plan. Not only at the national level, but at all levels below too.

The facts are clear. Conrad’s experience, having coached at every level of the game, has given him the knowledge to understand what is needed for players to transition. He has also been successful in winning trophies, which is key to building a winning mentality within a team environment. Conrad also has a history of developing players, helping them move through the ranks and reaching their full potential. His relationship with the Director of Cricket, Enoch Nkwe, is also unique. Conrad coached the Nkwe in his playing days. Both individuals know and understand each other, which is key to building a cohesive unit.

Walter does not only have experience winning trophies in South Africa, but his time coaching overseas can give us a different edge and fill the gaps that have been vacant in our evolution. A bonus is his experience in strength and conditioning, which is key to the mental and physical fitness of our players. Conrad and Walter have been quoted mentioning their strong relationship and like-mindedness in certain important aspects of how South Africa want to play the game.

There is a sense of determination and belief that I now feel as a fan, and the aim of this magazine issue is to express those emotions with all fans. Perhaps, if you don’t yet, you will feel a sense of hope towards the new regime and their mission.

We are stronger together.

In this issue, we will provide you with content that gives you a deeper understanding of the new era and the direction the Proteas are heading.

Am I right to feel hopeful towards the future?

I will leave that for you to decide.

So sit back, grab a beverage and a snack, and enjoy issue 31 of Cricket Fanatics Magazine.