I wish to clarify my position regarding the SJN Hearings and the various allegations made at the hearings, along with recent speculation in the media, particularly social media.

I now intend, prior to the South African cricket team’s departure for Sri Lanka, to make public the commissioned affidavit which I submitted to the Office of the Transformation Ombudsman (OTO) on the 9th August 2021 and which incorporates my sincere apology for any real and perceived inappropriate behaviour by me.

I became aware of allegations directed at me – emanating from YouTube viewings of the SJN Hearings – on the 24th July 2021, while I was in Ireland with the South African cricket team. I returned from Ireland on the 26th of July 2021. I stated in my affidavit, first submitted but uncommissioned, to the OTO, on 8 August 2021, that I wished for my submission to be made public as soon as possible. Once this was found not to be possible, on 11th August 2021, I requested that the media be made aware of the fact that my affidavit had been submitted to the OTO.

I met up with the South African cricket team yesterday, prior to our departure to Sri Lanka on 25th August 2021. I made the team aware of the affidavit while inviting them to read it if they should so wish. I felt that it was essential to deal with the allegations prior to our departure, so that distraction from the focus of the tour could be kept to a minimum. The tour will, I hope bring success to the team and joy to many South Africans.

Naturally enough, I am keen to end speculation and the inflammatory comments that have come with it. My intention in making this statement and releasing my affidavit is to disclose the fact of my apology, to give it context and to move forward as quickly and positively as possible.