Cricket in South Africa is under threat after the Members’ Council voted not to accept the amendments to the MOI which would have steered CSA on a new path and restored confidence with its stakeholders.
Cricket South Africa (CSA) held its Special General Meeting (SGM) on Saturday. The purpose was to amend the Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) to allow for a majority independent Board and an independent Chair.
These proposed changes would be in line with the Nicholson Report and good corporate governance. The Interim Board (IB) has held over the past few months several consultative sessions with the Members’ Council. In addition, Professor Michael Katz has also consulted and provided legal advice to the Members’ Council on the proposed amendments.
Disappointingly, the Members’ Council voted not to accept the amendments to the MOI which would have steered CSA on a new path and restored confidence with its stakeholders. Despite the IB requesting transparency, the Members’ Council insisted on a secret ballot.
Out of the 14 provincial presidents who voted, six voted for the amendment, while five opted against it – three abstained from voting.
75% of the vote was required to change the MOI which failed.
CSA Interim Board Chair, Dr Stavros Nicolaou, said: “What happened today was extremely disappointing and certainly not in the best interests of cricket. A minority of the Members’ Council have yet again shown itself to place self-preservation ahead of the interests of the game and indeed, the national interest.
“This minority is determined to hold the game – and the country – hostage. It has been aided and abetted by SASCOC, whose intervention in the CSA SGM today was totally unacceptable and indeed appeared orchestrated.
“Fortunately, members of the media were present at the SGM to ensure the public will be informed as to what happened today.”
Nicolaou went on to say that, “the Interim Board is in discussion with the Minister about the way forward for cricket in South Africa.”

This will mean that the national federation will not be recognised by the Department of Sport.
CSA’s authority to hand out national colours will be revoked which could lead to the Proteas no longer being recognised as the national team.