How to Grow Your Cricketing Business Beyond Word of Mouth
… with affordable and effective methods
Small and medium-sized cricket businesses striving to grow beyond word of mouth face significant challenges.
- Traditional mass media and big media houses cater to big brands with even bigger budgets.
- Building the right systems and processes can be both complex and costly.
- Posting on social media in hopes of going viral often depends more on luck than strategy, despite influencer success stories.
At Cricket Fanatics Magazine, we understand these struggles.
That’s why we’ve created affordable, effective solutions designed specifically for small and medium-sized cricket businesses.
These are the same strategies and systems we’ve used to grow into a well-known brand in the cricket space with small budgets and limited resources.
To learn more about these strategies and how they can work for your business, click the button below to get more information.
Once you fill in your contact details, you’ll gain direct access to discuss your options and make the best decision about growing your business beyond word of mouth.
Plus, you’ll receive our Modern Online Marketing Email Series on effective strategies for cricketing businesses.
Imagine having cost-effective tools to increase awareness, grow your brand, and boost sales—that’s the power of a modern online marketing strategy.
Want to dive deeper into solving the problem before contacting us ?
Keep reading below to see how we’ve solved the problem.
Despite the social, economic, and technological changes brought by the online and digital revolution, most smaller cricketing businesses still rely on word of mouth as their primary marketing strategy.

This isn’t a problem if your business is doing well and has no ambitions to grow.
However, it can be frustrating if you want to build your brand, attract more customers, and increase revenue.
Additionally, word-of-mouth marketing can be unpredictable; sometimes, there’s more business than you can handle, while other times, there’s little to none.
If you’re facing this challenge, join us in exploring a counterintuitive but effective solution.
But before we embark on our journey, let’s begin with the end in mind.
The Goal
There are three things that we all desire in our businesses:
1. Less Risk
Business is inherently risky.
We therefore need strategies that reduce this risk.
2. More Control
We will sleep better at night if we are in the driving seat and knowing where our business is going, with the belief that a brighter future lies ahead.
3. Fast Results
As we all desire fast results, the promise of instant results is always alluring.
While there is no magic method, secret hack, or instant solution, there are ways to get fast results with less risk and more control.
Systems as a Solution
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” – James Clear
With the online and digital revolution, we have power in our hands that was previously only available to big businesses and the super rich.
We can now affordably set up a modern online marketing system that consists of three components that every business needs:
- A Traffic Engine for Awareness
- An Engagement Engine for Brand Building
- A Conversion Engine to Make Sales
When these engines work together, they generate long-term, loyal customers – the foundation of any sustainable business.

But before we get into the system, It’s important to be aware of a few traps that can waste money, time, and effort if you are not aware of them.
Traps and Pitfalls
What follows is based on our combined experience from publishing Cricket Fanatics Magazine since 2019, a decade of digital publishing, and three decades of designing, building and managing business systems.
While these insights can benefit many businesses, this guide specifically targets South African cricket businesses that are ready to grow beyond word of mouth.
This isn’t for you if you’re unwilling to invest in your business growth or learn new strategies.
It’s also not for you if you don’t want to invest in growing your business or learning how to do things better.
Some of what we share might defy conventional wisdom, but it’s been proven effective for smaller businesses worldwide – including our own journey with Cricket Fanatics Magazine.
Mindset Matters
All success starts with the right mindset—whether you want to be a star athlete, a great cricketer, or run a successful business.
A strong mindset will carry you through tough times and amplify your success in good times.
Conversely, the wrong mindset leads to wasted money, time and effort, and poor results.
In the past decade and a half, we’ve consistently seen smaller businesses struggle due to the wrong mindset.
This mindset has led to more business failures than most people realize, or dare to admit.
Yet, this mindset is still common practice, as it has shaped the way we think for more than a century.
But instead of telling you what it is, let’s explore how it works through the story of Alex, a fictitious character wanting to promote their cricketing business.
Alex’s Story: A Familiar Tale
Meet Alex, a fictitious cricket business owner whose primary marketing channel is word of mouth. While they occasionally have more business than they can handle, at other times, it’s slow.
Alex has absorbed the belief that success means “getting their name out there” to as many people as possible, a notion popularized by major brands.
Mass media advertising has worked for big brands selling widely used products, but Alex’s business offers niche services and doesn’t have the budget to justify mass media campaigns with traditional media like television, radio and print.
So, Alex turns to online channels but still carries the same mass media mindset.
They find that the big online media houses are also too expensive to justify their use.
So they decide to go it alone.
They create a website, blog, and social media accounts, publishing as much content as possible.
Spurred on by influencers who post everything from breakfast to bedtime, they work on getting their name out there by publishing lots of content.
But, as they are not a publishing company, and with limited resources, the quality of content suffers, and Alex’s business gains little traction.
Frustrated, Alex concludes that online marketing doesn’t work, returning to word of mouth with no control over their results.
The Alternative Mindset
Now let’s look at approaching this with a different mindset—one that has emerged online over the past couple of decades and works well for “real” businesses.
A real business is defined as having products or services to sell—not just relying on advertising revenue from views.
This alternative mindset dictates that you go in the opposite direction.
Instead of trying to reach as many people as possible, rather focus on the smallest number of people you need to sustain your business.
Marketing expert Seth Godin, an inductee into the AMA Hall of Fame, and author of the book This is Marketing, calls this the smallest viable audience.
Think of audiences that share common interests. He calls this psychographics, instead of the traditional demographics used by mass media marketplaces.
By focusing on delighting and helping the audience you serve, you’ll find that two things happen, according to Godin:
- You discover the audience is bigger than you first thought.
- They tell others, creating organic growth
This is a model that smaller businesses can use to build a brand and increase revenue.
How We Applied It
When we started Cricket Fanatics Magazine in 2019, we were fortunate. We had discovered the value of focusing on a small audience with common interests.
We used this strategy to build Cricket Fanatics Magazine.
We selected South African cricket fans as our smallest viable audience.
We then set about publishing great content for a South African cricket audience.
We resisted the temptations of the mass media mindset.
This enabled us to become a well-known brand in South African cricket circles, despite having a limited budget and few resources.

We could easily have expanded into India, for example, where there are hundreds of millions of fans.
But that would have done you a disservice, as that’s not the right audience for you.
As publishers, our business model was to build a viable audience for cricketing businesses or anyone looking to reach a cricket audience in South Africa.
How to Leverage the Smallest Viable Audience
This may sound good, but you might wonder how to maximize your income using this model.
Kevin Kelly wrote a seminal essay in 2008 called 1,000 True Fans.
He provided a formula for calculating the viability of smaller audiences.
Since then, thousands of businesses have used his philosophy successfully.
His discussion with Tim Ferriss, more than a decade later, provides a great account of the impact 1,000 True Fans has had on thousands of businesses.
1,000 is not absolute; it’s a placeholder.
You can substitute it with the number that’s right for your business.
Based on your financial projections, how many do you need?
What Next?
You should now see that the mass media mindset is not the right solution for you.
But even if you’re not fully convinced, there could still be some appeal for what’s next.
If not, that’s okay.
Most people won’t be convinced, and we’re at peace with that.
But if you’re keen to explore further, we’d like to introduce you to a modern online marketing strategy for cricketing businesses based on the principles discussed above.
A Modern Online Marketing Strategy For Cricketing Business
This strategy focuses on getting:
- Less Risk
- More Control
- Fast Results
This strategy also includes the three engines we introduced in the beginning:
- Traffic Engine – To Build Awareness
- Engagement Engine – To Create Brand Loyalty
- Conversion Engine – To Make More Sales
Email Series
You can access the principles behind this strategy by signing up for our email series.
Delivered over a few days, these insights are broken into manageable pieces.
By delivering it in bite-sized chunks, you won’t bite off more than you can chew.
Simply enter your best contact information by clicking on the button below, and we’ll send the first email to your inbox shortly.
After reading through the series, you’ll have a new lens through which to view your business growth potential.
You can then decide whether you like what you see.
But be warned—what is seen cannot be unseen.

Faizel Mohidin

Khalid Mohidin
To Your Business Success,
Faizel Mohidin & Khalid Mohidin
Co-Founders, Cricket Fanatics Magazine