Dwaine Pretorius is in full support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

He took to Facebook to make his announcement.

“I will be proudly supporting the BLM movement and I will be taking a knee on Saturday.

I honestly and whole heartedly believe it’s the right thing to do.

I also believe taking the knee is only the start.

To me the BLM movement stands for the most basic right all people across the world deserve and that is the right to not be judged or segmented because of his/her colour. But rather for WHO they are.

It’s not a movement that says: “Black lives are MORE important than any other colour.”

It’s my brother from another mother asking me please see me for WHO I am and don’t persecute me because of my skin colour.

Give me the same benefit of the doubt you would given someone with the same colour as you.

Yes,the movement says “Black” but I believe it’s relevant to any color and race.

As a person and a Christian, I believe it’s my responsibility to strive, to treat every person I come across with the same respect and not judge them.

We are all equal and loved the same way by God. There are no exceptions.

I would love to see my boy one day live in a world where colour has no judgement.

It’s time to be the change you would like to see in the world.

Talk is cheap and action is more powerful. The knee for me means it’s time to take action. #blacklivesmatter”